Wow! It is so hard to believe that in just a few short weeks I will have ANOTHER sweet, little baby! I can hardly wait. Those of you who know me closely, know that I absolutely love babies, love the baby stage, just love everything about this upcoming time! I seriously see how my great grandmother had 12 kids! I mean, when they all come out so sweet and adorable, how do you ever stop? I don't know! People have been asking me if we are "done" after Silas. My answer is always the same: "I have no idea!" Zach tells people: "Nah, we'll probably have more!" LOL The looks we get are priceless! We don't care though. We love the family we have created thus far and fully believe the promise from our Lord that children are a heritage from Him! We know firsthand blessed is he whose quiver is full and our quiver is not even full yet! Truly, children are such a blessing and so amazing. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
I am now nearly 29 weeks and had an appointment today with my wonderful midwives. As always in every pregnancy, my baby is so low that I am measuring smaller than I really am. As stated, he is VERY low, head completely engaged in the birthing canal. He is a very active little boy and the whole family and I just love feeling him. We can feel him almost at any time because of his position, ideal placental placement, and just because of how active he is! I got my rhogam shot today as it is that time! The rhogam shot is easily the worst shot that I have ever gotten and today makes the ninth time I have gotten it- oh the joys of having an rH negative blood type! Actually, I don't mind; it's kind of neat having a more rare blood type! So far of my kids, Mason is the only one who has my blood type. Savannah and Gavin are both A+ like Zach. I am curious to see what Silas has!
My pregnancy is going very smoothly and Silas and I are both healthy and happy. My next appointment in 13 days, I will be getting steroids (2 shots given 24 hours apart from one another) just as I did with Gavin to help speed up the development of his lungs in the likely event that he does come early like his siblings. It's crazy to me to think about that in less than 7 weeks from this point in my last pregnancy, I was delivering Gavin and 8 weeks from this point two pregnancies ago, I was delivering Mason! It's feeling very surreal and again I just cannot wait!
I haven't updated my blog or Facebook with any baby bump photos in a while (since 13 weeks, I think) because we have been SO busy. Here we go though finally! This is from yesterday (28 weeks 3 days):

Notice he is completely below the belly button! All my babies like to hang out really low! It does make for a nice, easy, and swift delivery though! I cannot complain... even if it does mean that for the past 20 weeks or so, I have been getting up anywhere from 4-6 times a night to go to the bathroom! :)
Along the lines of Silas' impending arrival, I cannot believe that this sweet baby photographed next is NOT going to be the baby anymore!! Oh well, he'll still always be Mommy's baby! Papa told him when we first found out I was pregnant, "Gavin, you're not going to be the baby anymore... You can still be Papa's baby!" *heart melted*
Seriously, look at that face right there. He loves his Mommy and I am just ever so thankful for the blessing that he is. He is SO loving and sweet. He cheers me up when I am down with a flutter of those long, black eyelashes and a glance at those rosy, red cheeks. Don't even get me started about that cheesy toothy grin he can flash in a jiffy too!
Because one photo of this angel baby is never enough. I mean look at this! He fills the baby role so well. He is just the sweetest. I know he is going to be an amazingly, sweet big brother though! He already fights with his siblings (and wins) over who gets to kiss my belly and feel Silas!
Last one, because I couldn't narrow it down. This was Gavin curled up on the clean bathroom rugs I had just laundered. I was folding the clothes on the couch and he just sweetly came in and laid down on the rug quietly while he waited for me to finish. I just love him!
A quick photo of the proud parents of soon to be another sweet baby...
This was the day after our anniversary. We went to see The Revenant (GREAT movie) while my amazing sister came over to watch the kids and hang out with Papa.
Savannah and Papa on Valentine's Day! Papa wearing the shirt the kids got him for Valentine's Day! :)
Mason and Gavin on President's Day about to go outside and enjoy the amazing 70+ degree weather!
I love you Brittani Hayes!