Most everyone by now, I'm sure, knows that my Mam-ma, who by far was my closest earthly relationship, passed away last August 2013 of a deadly, ruthless lung disease called focal pulmonary fibrosis. When she died, I felt like my entire world was turned upside down. I had lost the most important person to me and I was so lonely. It was after her death that I first encountered the presence of The Holy Spirit and began a real and beautiful relationship with Him.
When I was pregnant with Gavin, I was in serious risk of preterm labor. I was already dilated to a 2 at 25 weeks and 50% effaced. At 30 weeks 3 days, and 30 weeks 4 days, I received two steroid shots to help speed up the development of his lungs, because that's how risky things were. I am so thankful for a group of good doctors who were on top of things, but ultimately thankful to The Great Physician whose hand was constantly covering Gavin in the womb.
I did indeed end up delivering Gavin prematurely at 35 weeks, on Christmas Day. That Thanksgiving was very hard for me not having my Mam-ma and I knew Christmas was going to be even harder. Couple that with fearing for my unborn child's life, it was a less than ideal time for me. However, God's grace is ever so abundant. I gave birth to Gavin that Christmas Day and despite being 5 weeks early, he was perfectly healthy and never saw the inside of the NICU.
I had prayed a few days before Christmas that God would not let Gavin be born until he could be born safely, but that I was longing to meet him and how my arms ached to hold this new life and this new love. 1 Samuel 1:27, "For this child I have prayed and The Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him."
I believe God gave me Gavin on Christmas Day to further show His promises to me. Job's words rang so true in my heart that day, "naked I came into this world and naked shall I return thither. The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of The Lord!" Job 1:21
I lost my Mam-ma, but was given a sweet, innocent baby on Christmas Day, Jesus' birthday- what a beautiful testament to God's unfailing love and grace.
Psalms 62:1, "From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Now I look at my sweet, happy one year old baby boy and can't believe a year has gone by since that beautiful day. This year has truly been wonderful and Gavin is such a blessing to our family. He is so full of love, sweetness, and everything good. He is so cuddly and makes me smile all the time. He is so good and such a beautiful gift. I am so thankful for him and even more so, I am thankful to my Lord and Savior who always knows our needs better than we know them ourselves. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith The Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55:8-9
Happy Birthday my sweet Gavin Michael! It's been an enormous blessing to be your Mommy. This first year of your life has been so sweet and beautiful. I'm excited to see what God has in store for year two!
Gavin early December 2014 after his shower!
To read my blog post from a year ago when Gavin was first born, click the link below: