Saturday, March 21, 2015

UPDATES//mostly for family&friends out of state

It's hard keeping everyone updated on our life... Especially when we continue to be busier and busier by the day, it seems like. I wanted to post a blog with all of our updates that our family & friends out of state (and some of our instate who make not know all these things yet, because we have, in fact, been so busy) can read and be filled in. Enjoy!!


Savannah had her first soccer practice this week! She should have already had several practices plus a game, but because of the weather, they were just now able to have one. She was a little shy, but loved it! She just so happened to know two of her teammates from her school too! Her team is an established team that has been together for a couple seasons. She and one other little girl are the newbies.
She is still loving school and amazing me with the things she is learning. Her school is very advanced and high tech and frankly, I'm very impressed with the things they are teaching even the kindergarteners. Savannah asked me 2 weeks ago at lunch, why there was a QR code on the Dickey's BBQ cup. I was so taken aback that she even knew what a QR code was. Those who know me, know that I rarely let my kids see my iPad and can almost safely say that I never let them see my phone. They have also never used our computers. I tell you this only to reiterate how shocked I was to hear the words QR code come out of her mouth! Nonetheless, after asking her how she knew what a QR code was, she nonchalantly told me because they use the iPads at school to scan the QR codes on their books.
We went to her open house at her school last night and got to see all her work, her journals, her book cubby, etc. Back to the topic of QR codes... We were given a handout with a list of all the things Savannah would show us. One of the things said, "scan the QR code on your book so your parents can hear you read your book." She went over to her table, grabbed the iPad, opened it, pulled open some app, scanned the QR code on her book and alas, a website came up with a recording of her reading this book that she illustrated and wrote all by herself! Can I just say, I was very impressed with the whole deal! She also showed us all around the school, where she goes for all her special classes, the library and computer lab, etc. In the computer lab, again, I was very impressed watching her control+alt+delete to log on, then enter her username and password, then navigate the computer. I just kept saying, "Zach, can you believe she knows all of this??" LOL
Savannah is currently getting over a double ear infection! Her allergies got the best of her and after a high fever and complaints of both ears hurting, I took her up to the urgent care and it was confirmed. She is on antibiotics now and feeling much better, thankfully!
She is in Awana's and doing very well! In addition to memorizing quite a few verses, she has also memorized the books of the New Testament. She has gotten four jewels so far on her vest. I am so proud of her!


Mason is still just as hilarious as ever. He is seriously getting funnier by the day. His new thing is calling everyone, "sugar". He tells me, "Mother, you will always be my sugar!" daily and makes me melt. It sounds more like, "Mudder. You. Weel. Always. Be. My. Sugger." I tell you, I can't get enough of him!

He is still loving school and still complaining that he cannot go every day. (That's a good sign that he is going to be studious like his Mommy, right? ;) ) He is in Awana's and loving it also. He has memorized a ton of verses already and has gotten 6 patches so far! I am SO pleased that he loves Awana's!
He, for the past several months, has been on a monster kick... As in, he thinks there is monsters everywhere!! I am ready for this to pass, but it is kind of cute!
Oh, this is a big one! Beginning about two weeks after we moved here, Mason asked me if he could sleep in his underwear, not pull ups. He has been potty trained for over a year now (since a month after he turned 2), but has still been sleeping in pull ups. He had been waking up dry in the mornings, out of no where, for about two weeks before he asked me this. He was so cute; he said, "Mommy, I no need pull ups anymore! I no pee pee anymore!" I sat there taken off guard, running it over in my head, and said, "well, you really don't pee pee your pull ups anymore, so I guess you can sleep in your underwear now!" He immediately started clapping and saying, "yay!!" The rest is history! I was pleasantly surprised about this as I had assumed with him being a boy, that he would be a little bit older before mastering nighttime. Nonetheless, I'll take it and am thankful! Now I have all the pull-ups that I had stocked up on stashed away for when Gavin gets day potty trained and needs them to sleep in! 


Gavin started walking at exactly 13.5 months, a few days before Zach got here. The rest is history! He now runs and does a pretty good job keeping up with his siblings, loves playing outside, and so much more. He is still the sweetest baby ever! He points to things and says, "this!", gives lots of big open mouth kisses (the best kinds), and is overall very sweet, affectionate, and sensitive. He is irresistible to his Momma and has his Daddy wrapped around his finger too. And let us not forget about Papa... He has Papa wrapped around his finger!! Gavin is getting increasingly more independent and just started feeding himself with a spoon/fork last week.

His little curls are getting more curly, yet frizzy when he first awakens or has been in the car seat.
He is also getting great at following directions like, "take this to Daddy" or "throw this away" or "go get your ball". I just love it!


Zach is working his tail off and making lots of great contacts and connections. He is getting involved with the band at our church. I am sure there is more to update on Zach, but I am drawing a blank right now :) Oh, he loves all the food choices here in Texas and particularly loves Bahama Bucks (shaved ice). His cravings may or may not be a little out of control :)


The most exciting thing I have to share as of right now is that last week, I got the amazing privilege of being able to assist my dear cousin, Katy, in labor with her sweet baby, Jack. I served as her doula and I was truly honored to do so! It was by far a very special time for me watching her bring precious life into this world. Baby Jack is just adorable and loved by Auntie Britt so much!! **Side note, this was the longest that Gavin had ever been away from me and he was a champ! He and Daddy had so much fun! I didn't get home that night until 1:15am, so technically the next day, and they were both sound asleep! That was the first time Gavin had ever gone to sleep without nursing. Needless to say, Mommy woke him up immediately to nurse!! (That was the longest I had ever gone without nursing him, ha!) The big kids spent two nights with their Aunt Heather and Grandpa Chuck and had a blast!! Seriously, they were on cloud 9 when they came home! I am so thankful for them taking care of them for those two days and providing them with some fun on their Spring Break!
I am officially all TX now! Yesterday, I went and got my car inspected, registered in Texas, got Texas license plates, and got my Texas driver's license. This was a relief to get this all knocked out in a day and I must say, my sweet little Gavin was a trooper! I was so thankful to get it all done in time to pick up Mason by 2pm too!
I took Savannah to see Cinderella the night it came out for some Mommy/Daughter time. It was truly an excellent movie and we had a fabulous time! She said her favorite part of the movie was when they got married! (Awwww, Mommy's too!!) 
My Papa and I made a trip with the boys (Savannah was in school) to Kaufman, TX two days ago to see my cousin and Papa's oldest brother (he is one of 12) who is also my great uncle, and pick up the shirts that my sweet cousin embroidered for Zach with his business logo on them. They look fantastic and I have to again, tell any of my local readers, if you ever need embroidery... check out her Facebook page! GoBoothe Embroidery, LLC


Bella, our dog, is having puppies! This was unplanned of course and she will be getting fixed after she delivers!! However, nonetheless, next week, we will have puppies!! ***Local friends, contact me if interested in a puppy!! Stay tuned to Facebook for photos!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says The Lord.//Keeping heavenly thoughts in an 'ISIS filled news' world

For it is written, "Vengeance is Mine. I will repay." says the Lord. Romans 12:19b

The Lord is a Man of War: The Lord is His name! -Exodus 15:3

At this point in time, it is safe to say that no one in America has not heard about the rise of ISIS. Thoughts about how we should be handling this particular extreme degree of evil, what action we should take, etc. may vary amongst people, but one thing is for sure, everyone is aware that they do in fact exist and that they are persecuting our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and some from the West as well at an alarming rate.

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night. Nor by the arrow that flies by day. -Psalms 91:5

While it is easy to let our thoughts go towards all the awful things we would like to repay them with and how much we want to obliterate them, what is Heaven calling us to do?

**To be clear, I'm not saying we shouldn't stand up for ourselves and I am very pro "our military going over there and taking them out". I just don't think that alone is the answer. Our world has so many problems and they have been getting increasingly worse over time. We treat the symptoms, not the disease.**

America's problem is we have become numb to reality, numb to the world, and very self absorbed. The phrase, "first world probs", made me laugh at first, but now my husband and I talk about how true and sad it is! We worry about such little and meaningless things, while our fellow sisters and brothers overseas are losing their lives. We take our freedom for granted and whether we are aware of it or not, we do nothing about it.

Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. -Romans 8:34

As Christians, we need to be bombarding heaven's gates right now with prayers. God wants us to intercede on behalf of the Middle East! Jesus LIVES to make intercession for us; why won't we intercede like we should for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted day by day? For an evil like ISIS to fall on their face before a Holy God and turn from their wicked ways? For our government to stop trying to be politically correct and get spiritually correct?

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. -Hebrews 7:25

Billy Graham's wife once said, "If God doesn't punish America, then he'll have to apologize to Sodom & Gomarrah." As much as I don't want to see His wrath poured out on us, what choice are we leaving Him? It's easy to think, "I'm living my life the way I should; there's nothing else I can do." That is a lie from the pits of hell.

...For we are not naive to Satan's schemes. -2 Corinthians 2:11b

We can always do more. We can always pray more. Every last one of us. Even the most fervent prayer warriors can always increase in Him. Satan wants us to believe that there is nothing we can do. He wants us to keep our heads buried in the sand. But again, we are not ignorant of his devices. We need to be flooding heaven with prayers. 

I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer without anger or disputing. -1 Timothy 2:8

What should we be praying for specifically you ask? How do we pray for such evil? As hard as it may be, pray for ISIS. Pray that they will have such a revelation and encounter with The One true God, The Holy One of Israel. Pray that they will fall on their face before Him, the holiest of holiest, and will repent and turn from their wicked ways. This isn't always an easy thing to pray for, but even ISIS isn't beyond redemption or saving. 

Bless them that curse you and pray for them that persecute you. -Luke 6:28

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:32

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. -1 Timothy 1:15b

Pray for our government. Pray for our pastors and our churches. Change has to come from the inside out. 

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. -1 Timothy 2:1-4

Pray for the Holy Spirit to fall on the Middle East! Pray for our brothers and sisters: for peace that can only come from The Prince of Peace, for comfort that can only come from The Holy Spirit, for endurance and strength to keep fighting the fight that can only come from our Redeemer, and for a shield of protection that can only come from The Lord Almighty.

My Redeemer, THE LORD ALMIGHTY is His name, is The Holy One of Israel. -Isaiah 47:4

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. -Matthew 5:4

Pray the blood of the Lamb over your family by name and over your house. Satan and his demons cannot go where the blood of the Lamb is!

For they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. -Revelation 12:11

Pray, pray, pray! He desires this of us! He WILL answer us! We must pray with confidence that He will be faithful and answer us when we ask in the name of Jesus!

But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord. -James 1:6-7

I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. -John 14:13-14

For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. -Isaiah 56:7b

This awful state of our world doesn't mean we just give up and throw in the towel. We keep the fight until Jesus comes back for us! In the meantime, we pray for as many souls to be saved, as many hearts to come to know Him as possible.

The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self controlled, so that you can pray. -1 Peter 4:7

The Lord your God is in your midst, The Mighty One WILL save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. -Zephaniah 3:17

There is coming a day very soon where they will be no more war, no more sadness, no more pain. Regardless whether they acknowledge His deity now, one thing is for sure, they WILL bow then. Let us pray for them to recognize Jesus' deity here, so their souls can be saved. 

For it is written, as I live, says The Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue will confess to God. -Revelation 14:11

That at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth. -Philippians 2:10

He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. -Isaiah 2:4

Put your faith in the God who has always been! It is by His will that we were created, that everyone on this earth was created, and He is in control. Let us do our part now!

Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of The Lord has risen upon you. Deep darkness covers the peoples. -Isaiah 60:1-2a

And they do not rest day or night saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" -Revelation 4:8b

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things and by Your will they exist and were created. -Revelation 4:11

"To Our God" by Bethel
Up from the ashes Your love has brought us
Out of the darkness into the light
Lifting our sorrows
Bearing our burdens healing our hearts

To our God we lift up one voice
To our God we lift up one song
To our God we lift up one voice
Singing Hallelujah

Chains have been broken eyes have been opened
An army of dry bones is starting to rise
Death is defeated
We are victorious for You are alive
Hallelujah Hallelujah

We'll make His praise glorious glorious, glorious
For His name is glorious, glorious, glorious
Make His praise glorious, glorious, glorious
Shout His name Glorious, Glorious, Glorious