The next morning we had a great service at church and then went to lunch with Papa to eat Mexican food (I have seriously missed real Mexican food!!)! Afterwards we got some other random things done around the house while the kids napped.
We went to Sunday night church and the kids had Awanas. Mason earned two patches for his cubby vest for memorizing 2 Bible verses. Savannah memorized 3 Bible verses that night also. I'm so proud of them. **Since then, Mason has memorized 2 additional verses and is ready to recite them this next Sunday!!
Zach drove back to NC one last final time on Monday with David. (He will be moving down 2 weeks from today and I cannot wait!)
Savannah has had a great week of school so far. Last week, on Friday, in honor of a great first week of school, she and I got a treat at Braum's while Mason was napping at home with Papa. I'm so proud of her! Yesterday, was Chick Fil A night at her school, so after eating the family favorite dish, cheesy BBQ pasta that I make, we all (Papa, the kids, and I) went to Chick Fil A for ice cream! It was a nice, fun time. We went by my aunt's house afterwards to look at some logos for Zach's business, Dallas Aeration. I'm so thankful for all of her advice, input, and overall eye for things we may not always notice. She's just awesome! I'm also thankful for our great friends, Tyler & Michelle, and all the hard work Tyler has spent working on our website for Dalls Aeration. It will up and running soon and I will have a post about the business then.
Mason also had his first day of his new preschool yesterday and he absolutely loved it! It is a great school and we are so blessed to have gotten in mid year like this. The teacher said that you would have thought that he had been there all year. His school even does computer class and Spanish class too! I think that is just awesome! After I picked him up at 2, we went to the park right by Savannah's school and played until it was time to pick her up at 2:50. Mason and Gavin both had a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed (and am still enjoying) this amazing weather!
Today is my birthday and it has been a great day so far! I had a nice time with my Papa and coffee this morning, also received a lovely phone call from my wonderful sister this morning, then got to visit with my stepdad this morning for a little bit, saw my Papaw at the nursing home, along with my cousin, two of my cousin's kids, and my Mamaw. The boys and I drove through afterwards and got a sweet tea for me and Papa from my favorite place to get a tea (BURGER STREET- amazing sweet tea with Sonic style ice). Right now, both boys are napping and after they awaken and we pick Savannah up, we are all going to go by James Avery and the kids are going to pick me out a charm for my charm bracelet for my birthday present from them and Daddy :)
It has definitely been a great birthday so far!
Since arriving in Texas, I have had an overwhelming peace from The Holy Spirit about this being where we are supposed to be right now. I have found myself just singing praises to Him, literally nonstop, all throughout the day. He has given me such joy, not just here in Texas, but before we came as well, ever since I turned my life over to Him 17 months ago. I am so grateful for Him leading me and my family, revealing Himself not just to me, but now to my husband as well, and just literally guiding us every step. I'm thankful again, that He is the God of new beginnings, resolution, redemption, and hope. He has filled me with such hope and unspeakable joy. I literally cannot describe the joy He has filled me with; all I can do is just subconsciously and consciously sing praises to Him all throughout my jobs of the day. He is worthy of all praise! Hallelujah!!
A verse I have been meditating on for a couple weeks is Isaiah 47:4. "My Redeemer, The Lord Almighty is His name, is The Holy One of Israel." He is so Holy and so good! At church last Wednesday, Pastor Jim was talking about how even the demons recognize Jesus' deity and fear Him. Mark 1:24, "and there was a man with an unclean spirit and the unclean spirit turned to Him and spoke, "what have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Let us alone! Art thou come to destroy us? I know who You are- You are The Holy One of God!"" What a powerful verse. This one verse speaks volumes to me. The power contained in Jesus' name, blood, Word, and Spirit cannot be contained and is very real. Even the dark forces of this world recognize that power and fear it. We as His children, have nothing to fear because we have been covered with His blood. Hallelujah!! What a Savior!
My Redeemer lives!! And He is coming back soon!!
"I'm giving it all to the only Son, who was and is and yet to come!" -Starry Night by Chris August