Thursday, January 9, 2014

My One Word 2014

As we neared the New Year, I began to think about what my one word should be for 2014. I wanted it to be something really good, something that would truly make me a much better person throughout the year. I began seeking clarity from God on what this one thing should be. It was not long before I had my one word and knew without a doubt it was the most important thing I could work on this year.

My One Word for 2014 is Rid.

Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be praise, think on these things."

I want to rid myself, my life, my thoughts, my words, and my actions of anything negative, unholy, or not pure. This means no negative talk, no negative thoughts, no negative anything! If I am sensing myself getting frustrated with someone and just simply thinking negative things alone in my home, I immediately stop what I am doing and begin to pray that God will rid my mind of these thoughts and help my to focus on something more positive today. ....And you know what? I can proudly say it is working! My Mam-ma used to always tell me that most people's problem is they won't ask God for help because they think it is either something too small or too unimportant that it would be silly to ask God for help with it, when in all reality, we should be asking God for help with anything and everything. She used to really emphasize to me also how we should pray specifically for what we need. Don't be vague with God! He is our Rock and anything we do will be easier and smoother with His help and guidance. It is amazing to me how easy it is to rid myself of all things negative when I just simply stop what I am doing and ask Him for help.

Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

I hope you will join me on this journey this New Year with whatever your One Word may be as well. May we all be able to encourage one another in bettering ourself through Him.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome Baby Gavin Michael, My Christmas Blessing!

This Christmas Day was by far the most special Christmas Day to date for me and my family... It is the day we welcomed Baby Gavin, our third child, into the world!

Gavin Michael born at 3:43pm 12/25/13 5 lbs 7 oz 19.5 inches long
Born at 35 weeks 3 days gestation... very healthy, no NICU needed! Praise The Lord!

I woke up Christmas morning and just knew I was going to have Gavin that day. I had been feeling a lot of additional pressure than I had the prior weeks/days and knowing how to check myself, I decided I would go see if I was any additional dilated. While I only felt like I was roughly between a 4-5, my amniotic sac was hanging out of my cervix like a water balloon.
Even though my due date was January 26th, I had been dilated since 25 weeks and given steroids to help mature his lungs at 30.5 weeks. At my doctor appointment on Friday, December 20th, I was dilated to a 3 1/2 and 95% effaced. My doctor said he would likely come over the weekend, but if not, he gave me a week tops! Although I was a little nervous about not being full term yet, I just prayed that God would not let him come until he could come out safely with no NICU required. I guess Christmas Day was that day! This was very special to me as it truly symbolized God's love and grace to me- Gavin being born on Jesus' birthday and being perfectly healthy, despite being preterm. I am so thankful.

 This is me literally just two hours before I gave birth. We woke up Christmas morning and did "Santa" with our two children. After getting toys put away and everything cleaned up, we got ready and headed over to my in law's house for brunch with them and then gifts with them as well. It was funny because after we finished gifts, one of my sister in law's jokingly said, "okay, Gavin, thanks for letting us get through presents! You can come anytime now!" Within 20 minutes I began having contractions.

We got to the hospital at 2:15pm and I was already dilated to a 7 and the nurses confirmed my amniotic sac was indeed bulging! When I walked in and said I was in labor, they all looked at me funny like they didn't believe me... I assured them I was in labor and I have very fast labors, but I guess because I wasn't crying or very dramatic, they just didn't take me seriously! After checking me and realizing that I was indeed in labor and very far along, one nurse yelled out to the others in the hallway, "Call the doctor! She really is in labor and her bag of waters is bulging!" My husband and I got a little chuckle out of this. (This is the second time my labor has been doubted. With my 2 year old son, it was a very similar scenario. I had him at 36 1/2 weeks and was already an 8 when I got there, but no one believed I was in labor until they finally checked me.)
They quickly moved me into a room where I waited with my husband on the doctor. I was not able to get any pain medicine because I was already so far along (this was also the second time that has happened to me). The doctor walked in and checked me and said, "Well, I am going to break your water and we are going to have a baby! You are a 10 and 100% effaced! This picture was taken seconds after she said that by my husband. I was very nervous, despite how calm I look in the picture!

Gavin was born just an hour and a half after arriving at the hospital.

This is my husband with Gavin that night.

This was Gavin that night after getting a bath.

Big Sister holding Gavin the next morning! She is such a great big sister!

This is me with all three of my babies the next day! Gavin was nursing. (He nurses like a champ!)

This is Gavin 3 days old.

Gavin 4 days old!

Thank you to everyone that prayed for Gavin throughout my pregnancy! I am seriously ever so thankful that he is here and healthy. He is another reminder to me of God's grace and faithfulness. After a hard end of the year dealing with the loss of my Mam-ma, he was the ever so sweet reminder that God is faithful throughout everything in this life if we put our faith and trust in Him. 

Job 1:21 says, "And said, naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: The Lord gave and The Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of The Lord."

1 Samuel 1:27 says, "For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of Him."